Wednesday Windfalls – Daily Fantasy Baseball

Jack MoneyJack MoneyThe PulseLeave a Comment

Draft Kings
There are so many factors to consider in the Daily Fantasy Baseball game that you can begin to overanalyze things too much. There's due diligence, but there's also paralysis by analysis. Keep it simple. Go with your gut. You will, however, need a checklist, mental or otherwise, for each player you select: Weather (even delving into hourly forecasts) The highest

OK, I'll bite

Daily Fantasy Baseball Strategies

Jack MoneyJack MoneyThe PulseLeave a Comment

Draft Kings
If you are any kind of a baseball fan, then you have surely noticed the trend toward the daily game. Daily Fantasy Sports is popular, immediately gratifying and a lot of fun. The daily game is the future of all Fantasy Sports. For instance, after nailing down some humungous capital, Draft Kings has now become the official fantasy site of

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